Materials List for Watercolor in Bloom
Instructor: Lynn Hoeft
Instructor: Lynn Hoeft
- Watercolor paints: An assortments of tube watercolors, a total of about six, including one each of the primaries (red, yellow, blue) plus a few others which might include a brown, a green, and a gray. Any brand is ok. Artist grade paints like Winsor and Newton, Daniel Smith or Holbein are the best but some student grade paints (Cotman) are fine too.
- Watercolor paper: Any brand, 9 x 12 or 10 x 14. A pad of paper, a watercolor block or just individual sheets. Arches, Strathmore, Fabriano or Cotman are good brands to look for.
- Brushes: Watercolor rounds are the most versatile shape. Robert Simmons, Princeton and Cotman are 3 inexpensive brands that are very good quality. (You don't need to buy expensive sable brushes.) One each of sizes 8 and 10, plus one larger (which could be another round or a 1⁄2” or 1” flat brush.)
- Palette for mixing paints: A plastic palette works best - choose a palette that has at least 8 wells for paint and a large mixing area.
- Board or other support to attach your paper to.
- Roll of masking or blue tape
- PLUS: a water container, a pencil and eraser for sketching, a roll of paper towels.