The Francine Kelly Gallery in Featherstone's Art Barn is open year-round, with a variety of community art shows as well as curated shows and retrospectives. During exhibition, the Gallery is open 12-4PM, daily (unless otherwise noted). At the end of each year, the gallery hosts the annual Holiday Gift Show. Click here to see previous shows.
Upcoming Shows in 2025
For submitting artists, please read our Gallery Guidelines at the bottom of this page.
Muse | March 9 - 30 Opening Reception: Sunday, March 9, 4-6PM
Martha's Vineyard artists, we have missed you! What inspires you to create? Is there a person that moves you or the natural beauty of the Island or a particular memory that sparks joy? We are eager to showcase your newest works of art that have been fueled from your creativity! All mediums and disciplines are welcome. One submission per artist. Please review our Gallery Guidelines below.
For Artists: Drop Off: Monday & Tuesday, March 3 & 4: 10AM - 4PM Pick Up: Monday & Tuesday, March 31 & April 1: 10AM - 4PM Artist Submission Form:
For the Birds | April 6 - 27 Opening Reception: Sunday, April 6, 4-6PM
Mass Audubon’s Felix Neck Wildlife Sanctuary and Featherstone Center for the Arts flock together to celebrate the art, beauty, and function of wild birds. This artistic flight of fancy will highlight local and worldwide species, encouraging the creation and purchase of art inspired by these creatures of land, sky, and sea. Soar with us on an adventure to learn about their habits, homes, and history through collaborative programming for adults and children. All mediums and disciplines are welcome. One submission per artist. Please review our Gallery Guidelines below.
For Artists: Drop Off: Monday & Tuesday, March 31 & April 1: 10AM - 4PM Pick Up: Monday & Tuesday, April 28 & 29: 10AM - 4PM
The Art of Flowers - Wonderfully Floral | May 4 - 25 (Closed Memorial Day) Opening Reception: Sunday, May 4, 4 - 6PM For Artists: Drop Off: Monday & Tuesday, April 28 & 29: 10AM - 4PM Pick Up: Tuesday & Wednesday, May 27 & 28: 10AM - 4PM
These Featherstone exhibitions in the Francine Kelly Gallery are open to all Martha's Vineyard artists - those who live year round, seasonal residents and those with a prolonged connection to the Island.
All forms of art are welcome. Art must be newly created and not previously shown at Featherstone.
Two dimensional art must be wired securely and ready to hang (saw tooth hooks will not be accepted).
All artwork must be signed and labeled.
Featherstone reserves the right to not hang a piece based on presentation: no proper hanging mechanism, poor framing, the yellowing and age of piece, etc.
All art must be for sale. Artists receive a 60% commission for all art sold.
Please alert us if art will be shipped rather than delivered in person.
Please notify us at [email protected] if you wish to participate or if you require more information.
FRAMING: On Island framing services: 51 Art Gallery email: [email protected] phone: 508-338-7703 Address: 13 Beach Street Extension, #105, VH (The Shoppe with the Red Door)
Off-Island framing services (they visit the Island periodically to pick up work): Waldo Custom Framing email: [email protected] phone: 781-963-4552 Address: 1195 N. Main Street, Randolf, MA 02368