Featherstone Center for the Arts will be hosting its 18th Annual Holiday Gift Show! Doors will open to shoppers on Saturday, November 14 and run through Wednesday, December 16. The Holiday Gift Show will be open each day (except Thanksgiving Day, November 26) from 12 to 4PM by appointment for up to six people every half hour
For seventeen years, the Holiday Gift Show has served as an annual fundraising event for Featherstone with sales at 50%. We are so grateful for your generosity and for your participation these many years! In these uncertain times, Featherstone wishes to support YOU, our local artists, by changing the commission structure this year to 60%. We realize that many of you have not had the opportunity to showcase and sell your art in 2020. We hope in a small way the Holiday Gift Show may provide not only a creative outlet but also some financial relief.
In terms of display, Featherstone will provide half of an eight-foot table for each artist. There is no charge to participate in the Holiday Gift Show. Please complete the attached registration and submit to Featherstone no later than Wednesday, November 4. Spaces will be assigned in the order applications are received.
You do not need to be present during the sale days of the Holiday Gift Show (unless you want to shop). The Featherstone gallery staff will sell for you and keep a record of all sales. Merchandise must remain for the entirety of the show.
We will have a section for small hangable art. The term is ambiguous we know, but when selecting art work to sell, please keep in mind that these are gifts people are buying for friends and family. Hangable art items must be dropped off on Monday, November 9 from 10AM to 4PM so that we can hang the art before the tables are in place. ALL ART MUST BE WIRED FOR HANGING. It is always difficult and often impossible to hang art work that is not wired. The small sawtoothed brackets and frames with keyhole hanging options will not work with our system. If you are not sure if your hanging method will work, please err on the side of caution and contact us in advance of drop off.
Holiday gifts may be dropped off on Tuesday, November 10 from 10AM to 4PM. If you have hangable art and tablespace, please know we will make every effort to hang your art near your table but we cannot guarantee that in all circumstances. With the exception of the hangable art, we ask that prices for gift items not exceed $250. Every item should be individually tagged/labeled with your initials and a price. Pick up and payment will take place on Thursday and Friday, December 17 and 18 from 10AM to 4PM.
We look forward to hosting you for this very special annual holiday experience! If you have any questions please contact: